In collaboration with Fayette Institute of Technology, NRP hosted Career Day! Students were encouraged to come to school dressed as their career of choice. Health Occupations, Engineering, and Cooking were some of the career presentations that students were able to experience.
about 1 year ago, Fayette County Schools
Celebrating across Fayette County our amazing “Administrative Assistants”
about 1 year ago, Fayette County Schools
Enroll for our summer student opportunities.
about 1 year ago, Fayette County Schools
You are invited to attend the West Virginia Council for the Education of Exceptional Children. The public is welcomed and encouraged to attend to share news and concerns about what is locally happening regarding the education of exceptional children.
about 1 year ago, Fayette County Schools
Make your summer plans to enroll in Fayette County Summer programs. Registration coming soon.
about 1 year ago, Fayette County Schools
Fayette County Virtual School is accepting applications for the 2023-2024 school year. The application will be live until June 1, 2023. Late applications will not be accepted. Application does not guarantee acceptance.
about 1 year ago, Fayette County Schools
Good morning from beautiful Oak Hill WV. Make it a great day.
about 1 year ago, Fayette County Schools
Fayette County Schools attending the Fayette County Job Fair at Solider’s Memorial Building in Fayetteville - 3PM - 8PM. Come check out some amazing career
about 1 year ago, Fayette County Schools
Seniors: Looking for a summer job before going to college? Looking for a job which has a Scholarship attached to it? Students in college can also apply! Apply for Energy Express!
about 1 year ago, Fayette County Schools
Save the Children would like all families to complete the Family Engagement Survey. Thanks in advance!
about 1 year ago, Fayette County Schools
In collaboration with Fayette Prevention Coalition, Divide Elementary held a Family Game Night where families played games based on protective factors such as healthy risk taking, building strong foundations, resilience, self-control, setting boundaries, and self-efficacy. Families were able to take pizzas and games to play at home. A big thank you to everyone who came out!
about 1 year ago, Fayette County Schools
Ms. Gandee’s 1st grade class shopped New River Primary’s first PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions Support) store! Students were able to shop if they had 75% or higher positive DOJO points, 5 or less unexcused absences, and 3 or less tardies. The same students were also able to participate in a school dance during the day, which all of the students (and staff) seemed to enjoy! The store and the dance were both a fun and unique way to encourage good behavior and to reward students for following New River Primary’s school-wide expectations; “Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be Respectful.” It was also important to showcase how much we value them being at school and being at school on time by rewarding excellent attendance.
about 1 year ago, Fayette County Schools
“I’m happy it’s raining, it means my vegetables are growing!” – A 2nd grader at NRP said excitedly! Mrs. Vandall’s 2nd grade class at New River Primary participated in a gardening lesson led by Nicole Mitchell through West Virginia Extension Services. Time in the garden allows for team building and promotes communication skills. According to PBS Kids (2023), planning a garden, planting the seeds and watching them grow give kids a sense of purpose and responsibility. Making sure that the plants get enough fertilizer, water and sun fosters mindfulness. This is a wonderful activity for early education and development.
about 1 year ago, Fayette County Schools
Alex Richardson, who wrote, Home to You visited New River Primary. Mrs. Priestley’s 2nd grade class is posed with West Virginia author, Alex Richardson. Throughout the week, teachers were encouraged to discuss West Virginia with their students and what their favorite thing about West Virginia is, specifically their favorite place, such as their backyard, New River Gorge Bridge, a tree they like to climb, or their favorite fishing or camping location. The students were then encouraged to write or discuss how those places makes them feel. The purpose of this activity was for students to celebrate being from West Virginia and all it has to offer, while also celebrating a local author!
about 1 year ago, Fayette County Schools
Oak Hill Middle had parent and student math night. We cannot think of a better way to spend the evening! Check out our action shots of math!
about 1 year ago, Fayette County Schools
Congratulations to our students who were selected for All County Band.
about 1 year ago, Fayette County Schools
band 1
Kindergarten registration is live! If your child is 5 years old by June 30, 2023, they are eligible to attend Kindergarten. Each school will have a face-to-face registration, and all registrations must be completed online.
about 1 year ago, Fayette County Schools
Seniors: Looking for a summer job before going to college? Looking for a job which has a Scholarship attached to it? Students in college can also apply! Apply for Energy Express!
about 1 year ago, Fayette County Schools
Mrs. Alderman’s 2nd grade class at New River Primary created their own bowl of Lucky Charms for a Social-Emotional Learning lesson on St. Patrick’s Day! Students were able to share things or people they are lucky to have, a time or times when they feel lucky, and what makes them feel EXTRA lucky! Then they were able to color and cut out different lucky charms to fill up their own bowl of Lucky Charms cereal. This class deserves a special shout-out for being super kind and respectful during their entire lesson… great job Mrs. Alderman’s class!
about 1 year ago, Fayette County Schools
Fayette County Schools is also represented in the MTHS job Fair today. Recruiting focuses here are for Service positions, particularly on Aides. We are an equal opportunity employer. Consider employment with Fayette County Schools!
about 1 year ago, Fayette County Schools