Dear Parents,
We need your help and value your response. Please read the direction below and complete this important survey. The results will help us know what we are doing well and what we need to improve upon. We thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.
New River Primary, Fayette County (020-227).
The online parent survey will be available from February 26 through April 12, 2024.
Parents are asked to complete an online survey about school climate—the learning and teaching/working conditions—to help guide school improvement efforts. The results of this survey will be used to make changes in their child's school to ensure a supportive environment for teaching and learning. The survey may be completed from any computer with an internet connection.
If your school administered this survey during the Fall 2023 cycle the WVDE does not recommend administering the survey again during the Spring 2024 cycle. Administering the same surveys too frequently to the same groups is considered bad practice. In addition to the burden on staff, the shortened timeframe between surveys can cause inconsistencies that make accurate data interpretation difficult for stakeholders. However, while not recommended, the decision regarding survey participation is ultimately made by school and district leadership.
Parent participation in the survey is very important. If parents have questions about the survey or problems completing the survey, they should contact their child's school. To protect parent/caregiver confidentiality, at least 10 parents must complete the survey for results to be summarized for your school.
When parents log onto the survey, they will see explanatory information about the survey and the important information in the shaded area below regarding their rights as a survey participant:
Your participation is voluntary. You may choose not to participate; not to answer any questions you do not want to answer; and you may stop participating at any time during the survey without penalty. Your responses will be anonymous and confidential.
Parents can access the survey at:
The survey may also be accessed using this QR Code:
The WVDE cautions against posting this code on unrestricted school platforms including public social media, websites, etc.
Parent login code: P020227
Entering a different code than the one provided above will invalidate the submitted response and may prevent your school from receiving survey results.