
Patriot Nation

Friday Night Football 2017

Congratulations MTHS Patriots on your victory over the Fayetteville Pirates!!!!!!!

Slider is playing
Football team huddled on the feild

Proud Patriots - West Virginia Strong

On June 22 & 23, WV was hit by a devastating flood that affected most of the state.  Among the areas hit hardest were some of our neighboring counties and their school systems.

As the nation watched, WV showed why we are some of the most resilient and strong-willed people in the world. We did not wait on assistance, one-by-one, communities sprung into action to help one another. Neighbors, community groups, church groups, and local organizations reached out to help the unfortunate victims of the flood of 2016.  Midland Trail Athletes were among those groups helping. Athletes representing football, basketball, track, wrestling, and softball from Midland Trail traveled to Clay County High School shortly after the devastating floods to assist the people of Clay. The picture below is a small group representing athletes from Trail and Clay that participated in the clean-up effort. Many other schools around the area participated as well.  We are Proud PATRIOTS but we are all Proud WEST VIRGINIANS.  #westvirginiastrong

Athletes helping the community after a flood

New era logo

All available roster and schedule information is located on the WVSSAC website under 'Rosters'

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