Check out the new Fayette County Policies on Attendance and Title IX. Comment on any school webpage from the News Feed.

Fayette County will be offering accidental damage, loss and theft coverage for student computers this year. The forms will be sent home at the beginning of the year.

MB schools will be dismissing ASAP due to water issues. We are sorry for any inconvenience.

This note will be coming home today with all students! Check out a Literacy Kit soon! 🙂


A HUGE thanks to Marty Rae Walker-Owens, Mrs. United States Agriculture, for coming to MBES today to talk about agriculture with the students. Everyone had a great time! Parents, we’re sure you’ve already heard about the opossum!! 😁
We’re proud that Marty Rae is a MB girl! ♥️

Wonderful opportunities for our Fayette County students! Check it out!


Summer school will be held at MBES from June 6-July 18. Please use this link to register your child.

Reminder- tomorrow is field day!!!
Parents, you are welcome to come and watch your child during their assigned time. K-2nd grade: 7:45-10:25 and 3rd-6th grade: 11:00-1:20. We ask that you do not sign your child out tomorrow due to multicultural activities that will be going on throughout the day around field day.
Please make sure your child wears tennis shoes and brings/wears sunscreen.

Bus 1206 will not be making any runs tomorrow. If you bring your child to school, you must plan to pick them up. Drop off time is 7:15 and pick up time is 2:40. Please follow the line of cars for pick up. Thank you!

Please remember that there is no school tomorrow, May 10, due to Election Day! Enjoy your day off.

This week is Teacher Appreciation Week and we are so thankful for our wonderful teachers at MBES! ♥️ Teachers, thank you for ALL you do!

Congratulations to these 6th graders! They went to the State Social Studies Fair this past weekend and represented MBES well. Weslee Kinder brought home a 2nd place award on his project about the Titanic. We are so proud you all!!



5th grade had a blast today at the Fayette County Park! This event was so organized and such a success! Thanks to all who made it possible… the kids loved it!!

Wow! 4th grade had a day full of fun adventures at the Fayette County Park! A huge thanks to everyone who made this day a success.

Mrs. Fox’s 5th graders have been working on shadow boxes depicting their favorite memory of this school year. Great job!!!

We all love Mrs. Walker! Leave her a kind word below! ♥️